Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Egg Diffusion Lab Analysis

          In this lab, we observed the quantitative change to the mass and circumferences that occurred when eggs were placed in different solutions. The eggs were first placed in vinegar to dissolve the shell and then were placed in deionized water. Next, were collected data on the mass, circumference, and qualitative features of the two eggs. One of the eggs was placed in deionized water again, while the other was placed in corn syrup. The egg in the water grew in size, while the egg in syrup shrink in size and became translucent.

          On average, the mass and circumference of the egg in the increased sugar concentration decrease by -51.7% and -23.67% respectively. The cause of the change was the high concentration of sugar outside the cell caused the water to diffuse to the sugar, causing the egg to shrink. Molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration in order to create equilibrium, but sugar molecules are to large to diffuse through the semi-permeable membrane, so the smaller water molecules will move to the sugar through passive diffusion to compensate for the sugars immobility. The effect of this is seen in our data.

          A cells internal environmental condition changes based on its external environment because needs to properly compensate with the changes in order to survive. This can happen from the movement of water from areas of low solute concentration to areas of high solute concentration.  

          This lab demonstrates the principal of diffusion by showing a real life example of how diffusion occurs and the effects of it on cells.

          Fresh vegetables are sprinkled water because the water diffuses into the cells sue to a low solute concentration outside the cell, thus keeping the vegetables from becoming limp. The salt accumulated alongside roads can cause the vegetable cells to become hyper tonic because there is larger concentration of solute outside the cell, causing water to diffuse from the cell towards the cell.
          Based on this experiment I would want to test the effects of salt water on the human body and what it does to it. This relates to the previous experiment as it to deals with diffusion, but this experiment would go more in depth into the biological effects of shrinking cells on the human body.  

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