Thursday, November 19, 2015

Unit 4 Reflection

Unit 4 was about sex. It went into the details of the sex cycle, genetics, and how genes affect our daily lives. The essential understandings were how do genes affect our physical traits and why is sex great. Through the genetics infographic, we learned about genetics and the different types of genetic inheritance. The coin sex lab gave a great explanation of how genetics work and how to use probability to predict different types of crosses, such as autosomal, x-linked, monohybrid, and dyhybrid crosses. The vodcast on meiosis gave a basic understanding of how meiosis and mitosis are different and the different steps of meiosis. I hard a hard time at first of understanding Mendel's 2 laws and how chromosomes split, but I understood better once I had a visual representation from the diagram and the passing on my genes mini lab. I easily picked up on the different types of genetic crosses and the different abnormalities that can occur since we learned the basics of them in 7th grade biology.
After taking the VARK questionnaire, my results were 7 Visual, 2 Aural, 6 Reading Writing, and 9 Kinesthetic. The results were what I expected because I generally learn either by watching someone or through using logic (not in the test) and examples. Currently I read over the notes and redo the CFU's to test myself, and answer the vodcasts my self to truly test weather I can understand the content. I can use more visual techniques such as notecards and color-coding concepts in order to properly absorb them while continuing my same studying ways. This will play to my learning styles as reading/writing but also the visual and kinesthetic aspects.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a great job, Nevin. Make sure you're describing some of the vocabulary you learned or how they fit into the big picture, not just listing them off so that you can utilize that as part of your read/write strength in learning.
