Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Questions on My Mind

         After reading the article "20 Big Questions In Science", the question that I am most interested in is "what is consciousness." I am interested in this question because I wonder about what causes our brain to have thoughts and speak with itself. How does ones consciousness develop? Currently, one hypothesis is that different regions of the brain connect with each other and consciousness is there way of communicating with each other.

My 20 Big Questions:
  1. What caused the big bang?
  2. What happens when multiverses collide?
  3. What causes gravity?
  4. How is light created?
  5. Is it possible to live for ever?
  6. Is there an end to the universe?
  7. How can time slow down?
  8. Are there other living organisms in the universe?
  9. Can humans live for ever?
  10. What factors cause evolution to occur in species?
  11. Can an organism be recreated?
  12. Can humans travel at the speed of light?
  13. What is inside a blackhole?
  14. How do humans dream?
  15. What are atoms made of?
  16. How is pure energy created?
  17. Do any people in the world share the same iris?
  18. Why are flamingos pink?
  19. What causes siamese twins to be born?
  20. Are mosquitos contributing members of the ecosystem?

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